Guess Word For Fun


It's a little Find Word game -similar to Charade- I made for fun and to improve my skills on Unity.

The game is divided into 3 rounds and the goal is to make your teammate(s) guess as many words as possible in a given time.

The game starts with a random set of a determined number of cards. All the 3 rounds will be using the same cards.

In each round, one teammate will try to make guess his other teammate(s) as many cards as possible in a fixed time. Once a card is guessed, it's removed from the round. After the end of the timer, if cards remain unguessed for the round, it's to the next team to play. Make sure to alternate the players who have to make guessing within the teams.

The main interest of this project is to be able to adapt several parameters, starting from the number of teams or the number of playing cards, to the drawn words themselves. Indeed, the words are listed in simple .xml files.

Last, do not forget it's a little side project still in work in progress and, and even if I paid special attention to it, bugs are to expect. Moreover, features, UI, and texts are subject to change in the future. I.e., the timer is not configurable yet.

Adding a list of words

One of the main interests is that all the words are listed in simple .xml files, like "dictionaries" so anybody can go and add some whenever he wants.

The deck system will go through these lists and randomly draw a given number of words. Thanks to that, adding a new "dictionary" which can be either a language or a specific theme (i.e. Celebrities) is really simple and doesn't even require coding.

For further information, please go on the GitHub page

Note that for now, it does require rebuilding the game through Unity. I plan to make this even simpler later. All sources are available on the GitHub page.

Last Words

I also carried a great interest to do a responsive UI in 1920x1080 while being compatible with Android devices but I could not test all the possibilities, feedback is welcome.

And yes I know there is a lot of French (or English) text. I'm planning to correct this as soon as possible.


(windows) 23 MB
GW_v0.3.apk 19 MB

Install instructions

Unity Game Files

Setup for windows

Android apk: it's possible that Android devices display an "alert message" saying that Google does not know me as a developper. Which is true. For now if you are not confident, you can just use the windows version or rebuild the apk from the Unity Project Sources:


Development log

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